ASPP-PSP - Police Professionals' Trade Union Association

Who We Are

The Police Professionals' Trade Union Association (ASPP/PSP) is a trade union organization, made up of personnel with police functions, regardless of category or position in the hierarchical scale, of the Public Security Police.

Representing the majority of PSP professionals for over 40 years, the ASPP/PSP is the legitimate successor of the PSP Socio-Professional Association (ASPP), which in turn was the legitimate successor of the PSP Pro-Union Association (ASP/PSP). It is a long history, which began on 25 April 1974, with the Carnation Revolution, through which Portugal regained democracy, overthrowing the Estado Novo regime.

Developing activities with total independence from the State, local authorities, religious denominations and political parties, ASPP/PSP is an autonomous, free and independent union, for the sake of credibility among its members and all PSP professionals.


– Represent and defend the professional, material, moral and social, collective and individual interests of members; Promote the appreciation of members, encouraging and striving for their professional, cultural and social training, through courses, conferences, seminars, publications or any other training activities that contribute to this end;

– Defend and promote the professional prestige of members and the Public Security Police;

– Participate in the preparation of labor legislation, functioning and organization of the institution;

– Negotiate with the Public Administration and with the bodies of political power all matters of interest to members, presenting projects, initiatives and suggestions to the competent entities and bodies for this purpose;

– Organize all necessary actions to successfully carry out the demands and aspirations of members;

– Provide union and legal assistance to members in conflicts resulting from relationships or accidents at work, in accordance with the respective regulations;

– Promote solidarity, coexistence and mutual assistance among members;

– Establish and maintain relations and exchanges with other trade union or non-trade union organizations, national or foreign;

– In general, promote and execute all objectives that may benefit members, as long as they do not contradict each other.


(Article 1)

ASPP/PSP is a professional organization made up of personnel with police functions, regardless of category or position in the hierarchical scale.

Under the terms established by law, ASPP/PSP may participate in the activities of other Trade Unions or Professional Associations and with them form broader representative organisations. ASPP/PSP may also establish relations with National or International Organisations that pursue similar objectives.

➔ See Statutes